Beginnings are always where you will find Barry Greenfield. Barry began his musical ride at age 15. Over the years he became an appreciated, old-school, singer songwriter, with three number one records, twenty-five plus covers, a touring musician and storyteller.
Walking away from the music business in 1976, ‘it’s not for me’, he has enjoyed life as a Financial Planner, a devoted husband, a grateful father, a now a blessed grandfather. Throughout, Barry remained a dedicated songwriter and performer, releasing twelve LP’s, and sharing his music with audiences near and far.
Now another beginning has arrived in 2025, author.
The book, ‘My Journey to Blue Sky’, published by New Haven Publishing Ltd UK, sheds light on the intimate details of his professional years. Standing on the shoulder of giants. Working with Cher, John Lennon, Larry Carlton, Supertramp, Kenny Rogers, Harry Nilsson and more.
RCA’s ‘Blue Sky’ is now celebrating it’s fiftieth anniversary. The pages in Barry’s first book reveal the intimate, life changing experiences he received by attending ‘music school’ in the halcyon days, 1968 to1975. When in session, Barry listened, watched, and questioned. This resulted in growth and priceless knowledge. Time well spent; life well lived.